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2994 Moffett Road

Independence, Kentucky 41051

859-653-7000 Cell      859-750-0000 Cell

P.O. Box 175885

Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky 41017

859-356-1608 Fax           JJGS@ONE.NET



·   Simon Kenton High School, Independence, Kentucky                      Graduated 1961

·   University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky                                 Graduated May 1970

Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education                                   130 Hours Earned

·   Chase College of Law                                                                        September 1972 to March 1973

Covington, Kentucky Campus                                                  12 Hours Earned

·   Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky                        Summers of 1971 and 1972 Graduate Work

Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky                          Rank II Kentucky Teacher Certification

·   Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, California                        Graduated May 1981

Masters and Doctorate of Philosophy in Management            30 Hours Earned

·   H-Bemis Lawrence and Weikel Real Estate Program                     September 1971 to May 1973

Real Estate and Broker License                                               Kentucky Broker License Current



·   John Stephenson Broker,/Consultant/Producer;

Videographer/photographer                                                           1973 to Present

·   Superintendent of Public Instruction (Elected)                                  January 1991 to January 1994

Commonwealth of Kentucky                                       

·   Kenton County Surveyor (Elected)                                                  1990 to 1991

·   Faculty Advisor/Mentor, Columbia Pacific University                     September 1982 to September 1986

San Rafael, California                          

·   Deputy Secretary of Transportation/Commissioner of                    1985

      Motor Vehicles; Commonwealth of Kentucky

Served in Martha Layne Collins Administration                    

·   Liaison Officer, Council on Higher Education                                  January 1978 to September 1978

      Commonwealth of Ky., Grant Research/Writing                   

·   Exec. Director/Owner, Policy Management Assoc.                         January 1978 to December 1982

“Home Weatherization” Grant Writing & Training

to Statewide Community Action Agency Workers.

Produced & Directed Weatherization Documentary.

·   Congressional Field Representative for the Late                              September 1972 to December 1974

John B. Breckinridge, Washington, D.C.

·   Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor/Grant Writing                        August 1971 to August 1972

Commonwealth of Kentucky, Goodwill Industries

·   Kentucky Education Association, KEA Federal                               1970 to 1975

Credit Union. Served as board member,

Exec. Loan Officer & Chairman for One Year

Stephenson Group-Private Investigator/Public

Advocate Consultant.

·   Advanced Government Teacher,       Erlanger Ky.                          September 1970 to May 1971

·   Live Radio Program Host; Northern Ky.     Access                        1970 to 1972

“Education Today” WHKK Radio Erlanger, Ky.

(Currently WIOK Tri State Gospel 107.5)

·   Management Training Instructor                                                      January 1966 to 1968 (Also attending college.)

Frisch’s Restaurant, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio                             

·   Building Service Man, Cincinnati Bell Company                              1965 to 1966 (Also attending college.)

Computer Switchman, Secretary/Treasurer U.T.U.                September 1962 to May 1965 (Also attending college.)

Louisville-Nashville Railroad, Covington, Kentucky  




·   Non Linear Editing, Television Production

·      Computer Software: Microsoft Software and Editing Software


·   Managed Various Charitable and Political Campaigns

·   Organize Numerous Local and Statewide Non Profit and Political or Issue Oriented Events


·   Master of Ceremonies and Public Speaker on Topics of History, Art, Health Care, Education,

State, Local & Federal Government, Church & State and Ethics.


·   Ombudsman Advisory Council, Senior Services of Northern Kentucky

·   Chairman, Vice Chairman, Community Program Center, Covington, Kentucky

(Education, Public and Government Television Access)

·   Produced, Directed, Edited and Aired Northern Kentucky Cable Programs and Documentaries:

“Your Health and Wellness” (Weekly); “Europe by Train”; “Kentucky Counties”;

and “Santa Claus Education Series” Co-Founder Young Friends of the Arts.

·   Former State Director of National Day of Prayer

·   Organizer and Participant of (Kentucky) Statewide American Disability Act Rallies

·   Master of Ceremonies, “Whosoever Will” Band. Volunteer Entertainment to Senior Citizens at

Nursing Homes, Centers, Churches and Other Civic Groups

·   Master of Ceremony, Northern Kentucky Special Olympics for 35 years

·   Northern Kentucky Mental Health Association. Served with Association at State and Local Levels.

Held Numerous Positions Including: Chairman, Board of Directors & Numerous Committee Work Assignments.

·   Author of Guest Columns for Kentucky Post, Kentucky Enquirer, Lexington Herald and Louisville Courier.

·   Served on Goodwill Industries Board of Directors

·   Masons, Scottish Rite, Syrian Temple Shrine, 1965 to Present

·   Member of National, Kentucky and Erlanger Education Associations, President

·   Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce; Served on Volunteer Basis/Coordinating Legislative

 and Educational Issues. Member, Stephenson Group

·   Covington Rotary, Former Member

·   Boone County Jaycees, Former Member

·   Boone County Businessmen’s Association, Former Member

·   Kiwanis, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky Charter Member


·   Kentucky Education Association “Outstanding Citizen” in Kentucky Promoting Kentucky Education

·   Kentucky Special Olympics, “A Flame of Excellence” Award

·   First Chairman, Community Program Center Advisory Committee, Covington, Kentucky

·   First Place, Bluegrass Video Documentation

·   President, Student Body of University of Kentucky, Northern Community College. Instrumental in

Founding Efforts of “Inter-Community College Student Council” and “Greater Cincinnati Council

of College Students”

·   First Place, United States Jaycees “Elderly Assistance Right Now”, Project E.A.R.N.,

Home Weatherization Film

·   “Who’s Who in Colleges and Universities” While Attending College


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