Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!
Call it like it is. Politicians, on either side of the
aisle, who misuse their influence and who misuse the Senate rules of a
filibuster to block any health care options and to stop benefits for the
unemployed and projects during a economic downturn, is nothing but shameful. It
is apparent that anyone who would block the right to basic needs of our
citizens is clearly not in touch with the majority of our nation’s citizens and
their personal struggles for basic needs. Maybe these lawmakers cannot relate
because they have their “basic needs” met. Lawmakers are supposed to represent
their constituents, aren’t they? Can we say today, that this is happening? My
Fellow Republicans, “Why have we not used these same tenacious “efforts” to
stop abortions; return teaching of the Bible back to our school rooms; put measures
in place to protect the sanctity of marriage and to block the permeation of
pornography? Why are Christians continually “used” during election seasons to
keep a greed and “me first” driven machinery in power? Why are our actions
always hurting the poor and disenfranchised?
What would Jesus do?
Unreasonable filibustering practices achieve little and
hurt many. How much longer? “After all these years” in office, one must ask the
question, “Why have the “veteran” lawmakers not used these same blocking
techniques when our nation and the Unborn needed a voice; someone bold enough
to step up to the plate and just say ‘No’ to stop abortions?” Where were these
lawmakers when we needed to stop major bailouts to the greed-driven multi-national
corporations, and power house banks, Insurance and investment companies? Where were
we; and what were we doing during the eight years we were in power?
It is time we take a good long look at the Elephant of
Greed and realize it has been lurking around the room of the Republican Party. How long can we pretend that there is no
elephant in the room? If there is blame to go around, keep in mind that it is not just the Democrats’
fault and it is not just the few Independents’ fault. It is time, we, the Republicans;
take a long hard look at ourselves to understand how the Republican Party has
played a role in getting our nation into the mess it is in. Redemption is
powerful and freeing and offers new energy and direction. But first, there has
to be an admission of guilt and remorse.
If we allow our current leaders to continue on a path, as
they have as obstructionist, we will succeed in driving this nation to the
brink of collapse. I for one, a
Republican, do not want to see President Barack Obama fail, because it might
very well mean our nation fails. “Politics
as usual” will not work. Give the
Democrats their due. They won the office of Presidency and the Congress and
they deserve a chance to put this country on the right path. Did you ever ask
the question, “Why did the Democrats win?” Trust me there is an answer there.
This does not mean that we fold up our tent; bury our heads in the sand; or
stand idly by and say “no” to everything. I don’t mean to be redundant, but I
certainly wish our leadership would have said “no” many times over with regard
to abortions. That is when “no” really counted and still counts now; taking the
defense of the Unborn and being their voice.
Republicans and Democrats and Independents have got to
start working together and offer solutions and assistance to move our country
forward. Good Ideas can come from each
party. First and foremost, we have got
to start all efforts by going to God in prayer and asking for His forgiveness
and for guidance. God is still here! If you “choose” not to believe this fact,
that still does not make God disappear.
I imagine about right now God is wondering, “WHEN are these kids of Mine
going to “come around” and realize that without Me, their efforts will continue
to be futile?” Are we going to continue
on this path of futility in government until the wagon we are pulling behind us
has lost all four wheels? Will we
finally seek God with the “wheel less” wagon and say “Hey God, will you fix
this now?” Democrats, Republicans,
Independents, please hear me. It is time our lawmakers learn the art of
compromise. It is time to be “For the People”, the born and the unborn.
It is time to put aside our egos and our political
parties and our special interests for the sake of “the People”; those with
voices and those without voices.
“Leadership gains authority and respect when the ‘voiceless poor’ are treated
fairly.” Proverbs 29:14 (The Message, the Bible in Contemporary
Language.) Whoever has 51 votes wins.
Let’s not be sore losers. We have got to start working together to make
programs a success. We can be a “win-win” nation.
It is time to end the famine of truth on both sides of
the aisle and begin working together BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. It is my personal
prayer that should I be elected, I will show the same love and mercy and grace
for EVERY citizen and I pray that you do the same.
Let the Light Shine!
John Stephenson
Former Superintendent of
Candidate For The
For Release Friday March 5, 2010